1. News -

    Join our monthly lectures to find out more about the key issues effecting health equalities.
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    Brent residents who are blind, deaf or have a learning disability are not being given as much support as they should by local health services, new research shows.
  3. Report -

    Summary of our patient experience feedback from January - March 2022
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    Summary of our patient experience feedback from January - March 2022
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    Summary of our patient experience feedback from April - June 2022
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    Share your views to help improve emergency care.
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    Volunteers are at the heart of Healthwatch Brent’s work – so during volunteers’ week we wanted to take the time to say thank you for everything that they do.
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    Could you help support Healthwatch Brent's work by offering expertise, experience and knowledge to shape our priorities?
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    Over the past 12 months, hundreds of Brent residents and local organisations have shared feedback about what matters to them.
  10. Report -

    Executive summary of quarterly monitoring report
  11. Report -

    In our first year running Healthwatch Brent we've taken on some big priorities that matter to local people - like GP access, maternity improvements and Covid-19 vaccination. We've also developed close links with borough's diverse range of community and voluntary organisations. Read all about it in our 2021 - 2022 annual report.
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    We're looking for people from Brent's Polish and Romanian communities to support our work.
  13. Report -

    Minutes from the February 2022 meeting of Healthwatch Brent's Advisory Group
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    Executive summary of our quarterly monitoring report, Q1 2022 - 2023
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    Minutes from the October 2022 meeting of Healthwatch Brent's Advisory Group