1. Report -

    This repor gives a summary of our patient experience feedback from April - September 2021
  2. Advice and Information -

    Are you having trouble finding an NHS funded dentist? Read our tips on what to do if you’re facing problems.
  3. Report -

    Summary of patient experience feedback from October - December 2022
  4. News -

    Read more about the experiences and concerns of local people, focusing on data from Q3 2022-2023.
  5. Report -

    Summary of patient experience feedback from January - March 2023
  6. Report -

    Feedback from 50 residents, sharing their experiences of accessing care
  7. Advice and Information -

    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
  8. Advice and Information -

    If you provide unpaid care in Brent, there is a lot of support you’re entitled to.