1. News -

    Join our monthly lectures to find out more about the key issues effecting health equalities.
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    Brent residents who are blind, deaf or have a learning disability are not being given as much support as they should by local health services, new research shows.
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    Summary of our patient experience feedback from January - March 2022
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    Summary of our patient experience feedback from January - March 2022
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    Brent patients share their experience of being discharged from local London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWHNT) hospitals.
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    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Jonson Ward which is an Intestinal failure unit at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
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    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Fredrick Salmon Ward at St Marks Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
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    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Dowland Ward at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
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    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Ambulatory Care at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving
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    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Evelyn Ward which specialises in caring for patients with Orthopaedic
    trauma at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views
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    Healthwatch Brent initiated a project to find out the views of patients in Northwick Park Hospital on the standard of food and service.
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    Summary of our patient experience feedback from April - June 2022
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    Share your views to help improve emergency care.