1. Advice and Information -

    If you need cancer information and advice for yourself or want to support a loved one, here are several organisations and groups that can help.
  2. News -

    Read through our article to learn about our 2024 projects and priorities.
  3. Advice and Information -

    If you are considering becoming a healthcare assistant, we have compiled skills, qualifications and online resources to support you.
  4. Report -

    Our complaints process outlines how to make a complaint about us and our approach to making sure complaints are resolved.
  5. News -

    We are pleased to introduce Shyama Perera as the new Chair for the Healthwatch Brent Advisory Group.
  6. News -

    We are delighted to share our Annual Report for 2020/21.
  7. News -

    On 1st April 2021, The Advocacy Project was awarded the contract to manage Healthwatch Brent.
  8. Report -

    Caring for our communities through COVID-19 - Healthwatch Brent annual report for 2020 - 2021
  9. Report -

    Executive summary of quarterly monitoring report
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent makes its decisions in an open and transparent way and ensures the interests of the people of Brent are always put first.
  11. Report -

    Our strategy outlines how we will meet our aims and statutory roles
  12. Report -

    The purpose of this policy is to provide good practice guidance on Enter and View visits to ensure they are carried out in an effective, accountable and transparent manner
  13. Report -

    This Privacy Notice explains when and why we collect personal information about you, how we use it and the conditions under which we may disclose it to others.
  14. Report -

    Outlining how we will communicate with Brent residents, patients, partner organisations and other key stakeholders.
  15. Report -

    Minutes from the August 2021 meeting of Healthwatch Brent's Advisory Group
  16. Report -

    Minutes from the September 2021 meeting of Healthwatch Brent's Advisory Group
  17. Report -

    Minutes from the November 2021 meeting of Healthwatch Brent's Advisory Group
  18. Report -

    Find out more about our commitment to equality and diversity.