1. Advice and Information -

    Waiting for planned medical care or surgery can be a frustrating time. That’s why it’s so important that while you wait, you get regular, clear and accessible updates so that you can plan your next steps.
  2. Report -

    This repor gives a summary of our patient experience feedback from April - September 2021
  3. Report -

    Brent patients share their experience of being discharged from local London North West Healthcare NHS Trust (LNWHNT) hospitals.
  4. News -

    Read on for an example of Healthwatch in action, making sure patients are heard and working with healthcare providers to help bring change.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Jonson Ward which is an Intestinal failure unit at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Fredrick Salmon Ward at St Marks Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
  7. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Dowland Ward at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Ambulatory Care at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views on the service that they are receiving
  9. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent made a visit to Evelyn Ward which specialises in caring for patients with Orthopaedic
    trauma at Northwick Park Hospital to engage with patients and to hear their views
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Brent initiated a project to find out the views of patients in Northwick Park Hospital on the standard of food and service.